Hi!👋 I'm


A developer from Montréal, currently in Tokyo

screenshot of my first weather app coding project

I like coding...

This is the first application I have built from scratch using HTML, CSS, JS, and two different APIs. It's a weather app with real-time updates, and matching little weather emoji! Everything I have written to build it is open-source, so feel free to take a look at my code.

However, because it is built using vanilla HTML without the use of any responsive building features, the app unfortunately doesn't fare very well on smaller screens, so please be warned if you are opening this on mobile~!

screenshot of my first weather app coding project View App
screenshot of my most recent coding project

This is the second application I have built from scratch using HTML, CSS, JS, two different APIs, and also this time React! It's a better, less cluttered version of my original weather app. It still contains real-time updates, and matching little weather emojis. Because of React this time I could even use animated ones for a fun look. As always everything I have written is open-source.

The app behaves better on mobile this time because of React, but as I am still learning, I consider this app incomplete. If you take a close look at it, you will quickly notice that the Fahrenheit button currently only changes the current weather, and does not modify the week's forecast. A work in progress!

screenshot of my first Weather App coding project View App
screenshot of my most recent coding project

Third app, and second one using React! I decided to [finally] branch away from a weather app, and try my hand at building a simple dictionary app. The app searches for any word input, brings up a few different definitions, and gives the user sound files of the pronunciations. At the bottom, I have also added a grid showing picture results. As always, everything is open-source!

I consider this app pretty close to being complete. On some word searches, the audio extension becomes a bit uncentered, which is not optimal in terms of look, but doesn't affect functionality. It is still something I wish to revisit and fix. So I'll call this one a work in progress as well, for now!

screenshot of my first Weather App coding project View App

And streaming...

I started streaming for fun in 2019, just a bit before what-shall-not-be-named began. The idea came from a desire to share my love of video games, and to find like-minded people to talk to! I can confidently say that streaming boosted my self-confidence, and made me more comfortable talking to new people. When isolation measures began, streaming became my main source of public interaction, and really helped me stay sane (lol).
As of writing this, I have reached the affiliate status, a growing community of wholesome and friendly individuals [1.4k and counting!], and created a Discord server where the discussions go way beyond gaming. We even have a channel for coding-related discussions!

screenshot of my Twitch channel frontpage View Channel
screenshot of my Twitch channel frontpage
screenshot of my hobbies
screenshot of my hobbies
screenshot of my hobbies

And many other things!

I've always been a fan of figuring out how things work, and customizing the looks of what I own to better fit my preferences (peek this website's color scheme!). Beside building my own PC after coming to Japan, I have also recently discovered an interest in electrical soldering. My most recent work (pictured here) involved bypassing the region lock of my Japanese GameCube in order to play North American games on it. My previous experience with region-freeing was with a N64, and the bypass only involved physical changes to the plastic socket inside the console. The GameCube bypass was a lot more interesting in that it involved soldering two points of the motherboard together in order to short-circuit the region lock. I added a small switch between the wires to be able to revert the modification and go between playing Japanese or North American games at my leisure. Other projects I've worked on this year were repairing my very old, very overheated laptop, and changing the shell of both my and my friend's Switch consoles to our prefered custom color. Feel free to ask me about them☺︎!

screenshot of my hobbies
screenshot of my hobbies
screenshot of my hobbies
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